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    Transform your hospital into a commercially profitable
    and organized Healthcare Delivery Center using
    eHAT – An Enterprise Hospital Management Package

  • slidebg2

    Know your numbers - Simplify Your Analytics
    Strategy with OrcaSys

  • slidebg2

    Perfectly integrated & mobile ready cloud based
    healthcare platform for everyone on HealthCloud

  • slidebg2

    Get involved in your patient’s care management
    directly using HealthEngage

  • slidebg2

    Experience Vendor Neutral Archival & High Speed
    Tele-Imaging @ImageINbox (An Advanced Web-
    Based PACS & Imaging Solution)

  • video_woman_cover3

    Manage well & Grow Fast! Experience precision with
    IoT in Healthcare with OrcaSys

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Everything you need transform your hospital for INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY!

OrcaSys gives you everything that you need to transform your hospital, clinic or a diagnostic center into a profitable, leakage proof, well managed, technologically advanced & patient friendly business.


Company Achievements


Man Years of Experience


Smiling Clients






Patient Records


Conferences Attended


Why Choose Us

OrcaSys is global IT Consulting & Health Care Informatics Solutions Company specializing in end-to-end software and technology consultation. We have enormous experience in providing professional IT services & Technology Consulting to Hospitals, Clinics and Medical Centers.

We have expertized in enterprise products such as Hospital Management Systems, EMR, EHR, Patient Engagement Platforms, PACS (Picture Archival Communication Systems) and IoT Implementation & other turnkey IT solutions.

Vision :

OrcaSys wants to continuously improve customer satisfaction by providing better & State of the art Healthcare IT services and products to the society

Mission :

1. To be leaders in Cloud Based Healthcare Solutions in Healthcare
2. Make OrcaSys the most Customer Friendly Company
3. To help hospitals to make society a better place to live by improving
healthcare delivery to patients